Wednesday 16 January 2013

Good Start Breaky

I couldn't think of what to call this one so I just went with "Good Start Breaky", because it was definitely a good start to the days I made this! Now I wouldn't recommend this as an every-day kind of breakfast, but it's perfect for those lazy sleep-in weekends where you have some time to experiment. Which is how I came up with it.

What is in it:
- bagel
- margerine
- eggs
- red pepper
- alfalfa sprouts
- goat cheese
- pomegranate arils

How to make it:
Step 1: Cut your bagel in half, toast and butter (or margerine) it.
Step 2: Slice 2 pepper rings approximately half an inch thick. This will prevent your egg from spilling (too much) outside of the ring. I have used red pepper here, but feel free to use your favourite colour instead!
Step 3: Place the rings on a frying pan, let them sit for a minute or so, and then flip.
Step 4: Crack an egg into each pepper ring and fry sunny-side up (or if you're feeling really ambitious, flip them and make them over-easy).
Step 5: Once eggs are finished frying, place on top of bagel halves.
Step 6: Top with alfalfa sprouts, goat cheese and pomegranate arils. Et voila! Enjoy!
Note- If 2 eggs is too much for you, try making just one egg and using the other bagel half to make this into a breakfast sandwich!

Suggestions to make this even healthier: Try using only the egg whites. Here I used a white bagel (baby steps, right?) but a whole-wheat or multi-grain bagel would be a healthier choice.

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